Gemma Thomas-Bohr
Meet the team
Silly facts about me…
- I HATE Broccoli with a passion! I promise I will not tell your children.
- I have a dog named Bumble and a cat called Keswick.
- I got so excited to meet Mickey Mouse (at the age of 29) I squealed out loud when he waved hello.
- I love to sing and dance whether people are watching or not.
Hi, I am Gemma the Founder and Creator of Pure Imaginations. I have had the most amazing career with children, and I am so excited to continue with you through the magical world of Pure Imaginations.
Some Facts about me:
I won “New-comer of the Year 2009” at the Nursery World Awards, due to my dedication and hard work in SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and ENCO (Equality Named Coordinator) roles.
I previously worked in the child development sector for ten years. I LOVED working closely with the parents and children under 5, providing supportive scientific information. I was (and still am) honoured to have been under the guidance of one of the leading scientists in neurological science in child development who was able to teach me so much!
I have created Pure Imaginations, an imaginative play centre supporting children’s early education and development through play, after seeing how big an impact the COVID-19 pandemic was on Early Years children and their parents.
I took my boys to our first class today and it was fantastic! My boys loved it and lots to keep them amused.
I’m so glad that we found Gemma’s class as the structure of play first really suits my daughter and allows her to warm up to the session before being able to get involved with the group activities. Gemma is extremely knowledgeable, friendly and approachable and gives great tips each week. She always encourages each child no matter their stage of development and puts absolutely no pressure on any child or parent.